
Tuesday 25 August 2020


 The first compass that was ever made was in 1040 to 1044 it was made out of an ore of iron called a lodestone. It was made by William Thomson 1st Baron Kelvin in the ancient Han Dynasty. The directions that were on the compass were north east south and west we could tell where east and west were because the sun rose in the east and sets in the west. 

Deviation. When the bar magnet or magnetic compass is acted upon by a magnetic field other than the earth's, the magnet deviates. Most metal objects or electrical fields produce a magnetic field that will cause the compass to read incorrectly. This effect is known as a deviation.

Rocks are supposed to be kept away from compasses because they are magnetic.

The three jobs that still use compasses is military mining and piolet. You need a compass for these to be able to find your way around the place.

The three sports that need a compass is Hunting Orienteering and sailing. sailing you need a compass to navigate what direction you are going. Hunting you need a compass to find where your hunting trap is and orienteering for reasons.

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