
Friday 27 September 2019

Orana Wildlife Park

Good morning readers Today I am talking about our trip to Orana wildlife park that happened on Tuesday.
On Tuesday My class Ts and Wh went to Orana Wildlife park we went in the morning at 8:45am we went in two buses to Orana park it took all classes a long time before we went on the buses and left to Orana wildlife park. When we went to Orana wildlife park we were on a bus that had a cracked window and sometimes on the bus we would see a couple pieces of the window coming off and smashing down onto the dashboard. The place on the bus that I was sitting at was at the front of the bus on the first seat and I was also sitting next to my best pal Logan young we were talking about the new update in fortnite battle royale.
When we got to Orana wildlife park we hopped out of the bus and we went to go and stand on the gravel and wait for the teachers to give the next instruction. when we went near the gate we went to the area where the lake is and we dropped our bags and then we went to go and get talked to about who we are going with. I and my class went with a guy called Richard.
We saw most of the animals but we didn't see all of them because some of them were hiding away 3 facts about the animals is.
All of the African lions in the little habitat they are all related to each other.
I didn't know that gorillas eat there own poop.
and the keas beaks are really strong.

Hurmanu - Safety Equipment

Today in science our teacher Mr Palmer showed us all some of the equipment that we are using in science this year. Mr Palmer also told us 10 safety rules that we need to follow in the science lab. Our teacher Mrs Shehata told us that we had to write down all 10 safety rules and all of the equipment that we are using.

All 10 safety rules:

  1. If there are any broken glasses put the glass in the blue box and then tell the teacher straight away
  2. No running in the lab because you could knock something over and you could break something.
  3. Keep your bag at the back of the class or under your desk because it is a safety hazard.
  4. No eating or smelling the test subjects that you have just been working on and also NO drinking.
  5. no fighting in a science lab
  6. only use the equipment that you are told to use because you might blow up the class.
  7. Don't Play Mad Scientist in the Laboratory.
  8. Follow the science lab rules
  9. Know what to do in a sticky situation.
  10. Leave experiments in the science room
All 10 Equipment:

  1. Spatula
  2. Test tube
  3. Test tube rack
  4. Funnel
  5. Beaker
  6. Tongs
  7. Flasks
  8. Watch glasses
  9. Safety goggles
  10. Crucibles
  11. Thermometer
  12. Measurement thingy
  13. Measuring cups
  14. Cylinders
  15. Bunsen Burners

Image result for test tube

Wednesday 25 September 2019

New Kahui

Good morning I will be talking about the new kahui's that we have been given.

On Monday this week, we moved into our amazing new learning spaces called Tieke, RiroRiro, and Mohua. These classes are the coolest and spaciest classes I have ever seen. The reason why we moved into these new buildings is that the primary school next to us needed more classes and that they were cleaning the classes and they were rebuilding it. It took the builders around about two years to build the new kahui's and the learning commons and learning street.

When I walked into the new building I saw delight to my face and I had seen so much room in the buildings it was also really cool because when we are working in them we there are so many places to go and work at in the classroom it is the best classroom I have ever seen I want it to stay the way it was. 

When I walked into our new buildings I thought that we were so lucky to have this new and improved building givin to us it is like they help me more to learn and it sort of gives me the power to do all the work that I can do and more. It makes me do my work to the absolute best standard I will ever do.

When I walked into our new buildings I felt The feeling that I can do everything in the world to help poor and sick people when I realized that I possibly could I started to think about what I need to save a whole lot of people. So I thought to myself that I need to do my absolute best if I want to go out and help people.

The 3 parts of the new kahui's that I liked was the LED light behind the TV's because it adds a cool affet to the TV's the teared seating in all of the classes because it means that we don't have to sit on the floor when we are have the roll being done and for form. and the new kahui because I like that we have a new working space to work in I know that it will take me a while to get used to but I still like it. 

Conclusion: I think the classrooms are really cool because I have never been to a big classroom like this before. I think that it is a very big space for classes but it is good because we can move around and work wherever we want sometimes. but we have to be quiet were we work or else we have to move into seating plans.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Art Projects

On Monday in art period four and five we were finishing off the clay projects that we were working on. We also moved onto making a background out of cardboard and paint, because we are making stop motions about manaakitanga.

We had to discuss with our groups what we wanted to do to see what we finish first because me and Cody wanted to go and finish our clay but Khush and Christian wanted to do the painting so we can get started on it. So we asked the teacher if we could do both me and Cody go make the rest of our clay and Khush and Christian go and start on the painting.

When me and Cody went in the other room we were really relying on Khush and Christian to not muck around and get the job done as clean and silent as possible. But when me and Cody got in the clay we saw that we were already done it so we told the teacher and we went to go and help Khush and Christian but they already did a lot.

I really enjoyed playing with the paint and painting my group's background we did a lot of painting it got really boring but at least I still got to have fun and hang out with my mates. I also Wish that we never do this again because it was the most boring class I have ever had in a long time.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Science Movie

Today in period three and four we have been watching a movie about climate change in 2019 and in 2040 I wasn't here for most of the video but I still watched a lot. The movie was a lot about how climate change was affecting us now and how it will affect us in the future. We were watching the movie for around about one hour and 40 minutes the movie was a little bit boring but there were some fascinating parts in the video. The dude's name in the video was Daemon and he was telling us all the thing about climate change he mainly talked about how we could get rid of all of the greenhouse gases. He went around going to schools in different countries asking what kids would like in the future. I learned that you can trap a certain amount of carbon dioxide in a lot of soil because it will keep it there. I also learned that you can eat seaweed and that you can stop carbon dioxide with the seaweed that you have seaweed can also grow up to 50 meters and every day it grows half a meter. In the future, I would like to see that all global warming is stopped as well as pollution because pollution is ruining our seas.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Tane Mahuta

Today in tane mahuta we have been doing a lot of work we have been weeding planting and moving really really big blocks. It was really hard to do everything that we were told to do I did a lot of things in two hours I was moving big heavy blocks I was weeding I was planting I was also raking and shovelling and I moved the branches to another location.

The first thing that we did after kiwi Kaha when we got to the garden is me, Cody Tyson and hunter, we went to see Mr Tisch to go and talk to him about what we were supposed to do and he told us to follow him so we did and he took us to the weeding area and then he told us to start weeding the plants.

After that, we went to go and have morning tea then when morning tea was finished we went back and we started to do the garden classroom we were moving heavy blocks it was really boring doing the work around the garden because I did nothing because I didn't want to. 

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Hurumanu Solar Energy

Aim: To find out which colour attracts the suns heat.

Hypothesis: I think that the black will attract the most heat because t is the darkest and I think that it will keep the heat inside the top so it burns hotter and hotter.


  1. 1 white paper
  2. 1 black rubbish bag
  3. 1 silver tinfoil 
  4. 1 white foam cup 
  5. 1 plastic cup covered with a black rubbish bag 
  6. 1 plastic cup with tinfoil wrapped around it 
  7. 1 thermometer
  8. 1 lamp


  1.  Go to the teacher to get the materials 
  2.  then go find a spot near a power plug.
  3.  set up the equipment at the table
  4.  turn on the light 
  5.  wait for teachers to pour water 
  6.  then get the thermometer from teacher
  7. test the water in the cup after 15 minutes

Findings: these photos are from the experiment that I was doing. The experiment is called solar energy we had to get in a group of 3-4 so we could do the experiment we had to get the materials that we needed to start and finish the experiment we had to record the experiment work that we have done. 

Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3

Conclusion: Today in science we have been doing an experiment about solar power we need to use a thermometer to record the water in the cups and then wait till it is done. we had to all of the materials from the teacher so we can set it up and get ready for the experiment.

Monday 9 September 2019

Ella West Visit

Today period one we went to the auditorium to meet Ella west because she came in to see us and to talk to us about her books and what we like.

Ella lives in deniedan, she loves to write books and she tries to get up to 50,000 words in her books. she said that it takes around two months to write a story I think that it is a long time.

the book called night vision is a 40,000-word book but that is still a lot for a book. and she set the book night vision in New Zealand she made it look fascinating on the front page. there is a girl in the story with a genetic disorder

the book called rainfall is a 50,000-word book but it is a book that has crime in it. rain full was only made last year.

I enjoyed talking to her and asking her questions about what she liked the most she doesn't have a favourite book but she loves all of them. she has a dog with two coloured eyes blue and brown

Friday 6 September 2019

Hurumanu Water Cycle

On Friday we had science and we had to draw the water cycle on a zip lock bag and then we had to put tape on it and go get water and food colouring to put inside of it. when we got the water and food colouring we had to go to Mrs Shehata and get her to tape the bag to the window with the sun on it so it would stay in the sun and evaporate.
Climate Chaos


Exp 1 Water cycle Exp 2 Water cycle with baking soda


To make the water evaporate


Exp 1
  • 1x Zip lock Plastic bag
  • 1x Pen
  • Quater of the bag full of Water
  • 3 drops of Food colouring
  • 1x teaspoon
Exp 2
  • 1x Zip lock Plastic bag
  • 1x Pen
  • Quater of the bag full of Water
  • 3 drops of Food colouring
  • 1x teaspoon
  • 1x Baking soda


Exp 1
  1. Grab the zip lock bag
  2. Grab a pen
  3. Draw a water cycle on the bag
  4. Go see Mr palmer to get the double-sided tape
  5. Put the tape on the bag
  6. Go see Mr palmer for water and food colouring
  7. Get the cold water put it in the bag
  8. Put in the food colouring 
  9. Mix in the food colouring with a teaspoon
  10. Take the bag with water and food colouring in it to go and see Mrs Shehata
  11. Get Mrs Shehata to tape the bag to the window very carefully
  12. Then sit on the mat waiting for the next instruction
Exp 2
  1. Grab  a zip lock bag
  2. Grab a pen
  3. Draw a water cycle on the bag
  4. Grab some litmus paper
  5. Go see Mr palmer to get the double-sided tape
  6. Put the tape on the bag
  7. Go see Mr palmer for water, food colouring and baking soda
  8. Put water and food colouring in the bag
  9. Pour baking soda in the bag
  10. Give the bag to Mrs Shehata
  11. She will put it on the window to sit there
  12. Wait quietly on the mat.


Exp 1
I think the outcome of this experiment will be… I think it is going to take out all of the
food colourings that is put into the bag but it might not because the food colouring might
dissolve over a while but also I do not know.
Exp 2
I think the water in the 2nd bag is gonna fiz up and make the litmus paper change colour.
It will be really fascinating watching it change colour because when the litmus
paper changes it will change very slowly.


The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
2 = small 
3 = large 

  • For bag 1 there was a small amount of cycle 
  • For bag 1 there was a small amount of changed watercolour
  • For bag 2 there was a large amount of cycle
  • For bag 2 there a small amount of water.

Conclusion: Today for science we have finished the water cycle experiment because last time we did not do the chart because some people were falling behind. the findings from last time is exactly the same as now I love to science it is my favourite subject.

hurumanu climate change

Hurumanu - Climate Change and Greenhouse gases



    1. 1 plastic bottle
    2. 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda and Citric Acid
    3. 1 heat lamp
    4. 1 Thermometer
    5. 100 ml of water
    6. 1 rubber bung


    1. come and get the materials
    2. setting up the equipment
    3. Mr palmer adds baking soda mix with 100 ml of water
    4. wait for 5 minutes and start recording the temperature

    all water added to the bottles was from the classroom tap

    Findings: The Greenhouse Effect Data 

    Bottle 1: Water 
    Bottle 2: CO2 Gas
    20No recordingNo recording
    25No recordingNo recording
    30No recordingNo recording
    35No recordingNo recording
    45No recordingNo recording
    50No recordingNo recording
    Conclusion: the bottle of water did not heat up as much as the one with CO2 made this is exactly like climate change.

    Wednesday 4 September 2019

    Rock painting

    today in tane mahuta we were outside collecting rocks to paint period 3 we came inside to start painting the rocks it was boring because I don't know the reason. I hate to paint it is the worst thing I have ever done in my entire life.

    Tuesday 3 September 2019

    Hurumanu - fossil fuels

    In science, we have been learning about climate change issues. First, we watched a video about carbon dioxide and ect. After that Mr Palmer wrote 6 emissions about climate change they are Transport, cows. food, factories, waste and landfill. After that, he gave us 2 pieces of paper 1 with all of the emissions and a blurb about them and the other 1 has a ranking sheet 1 to 6. Then we had to put them in order biggest to smallest. After he told us to write 1 sentence for each one transport - Most cars need gas or diesel to work. These come from oil, which is a fossil fuel. The carbon-di-oxide in oil goes into the atmosphere when the car is running electricity - Electricity is a form of energy used to power almost everything in our homes. Electricity can come from renewable sources ( water, wind, sun) and non-renewable sources like fossil fuels (oil, and gas ). Fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere

    Image result for fossil fuelsImage result for fossil fuels