
Friday 9 July 2021



when hot air goes to a cold place to heat it up. The water was heating up in the Bunsen burner to cause the particles to speed up and be concentrated. The particles diffused and contracted the air to cause the can to implode.


Heat travelling through solid/liquid. We had the heat from the Bunsen burner travelling through the metal rod vibrating the pins to make them fall when we did the experiment.


When something expands from the heat. expansion is when something Bros because of heat up some metals I can get bigger.

Convection in gas 

The heat travels through liquid or gas. Heat travelling through the teabag.

Convection in liquid

heat travelling through the water to make the colour change.

Thursday 8 July 2021

HEC design process

Last week on Thursday we had an assessment. For our assessment we had to come up with a recipe and make it, we were put into groups of 2 I was with Rhys and we decide to make banana chocolate chip muffins. We decided that Rhys's dad will be the stakeholder for our assessment. We had to come up with a shopping list and the costings for our recipe. After that, we came up with how much time we needed to do the work.

here is my recipe and the original for the banana chocolate chip muffins


  • 3/4 cup flour

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • pinch of salt (⅛ t salt)

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar 

  • 1/2 cup banana, mashed (2 medium/large bananas)

  • 50g butter, melted

  • 1 egg

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 3/4 cup milk


1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC, bake and grease a standard 12-hole muffin tin.

2. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt and stir in the sugar and banana.

3. Mix together the melted butter and the egg and tip the baking soda in the milk then

stir till powder has been dissolved.

4. Tip both wet mixtures into the dry ingredients and mix quickly with a butter knife. Don’t over mix, just stir until everything is almost combined.

5. Spoon the mixture into the prepared muffin tins and bake for 12 to 15 minutes

until risen and golden. Cool on a wire rack.

Here is the evaluation from my stakeholder

Well, good tasting. Maybe the mixture was a bit wet as the muffins didn't have a peak to them. 8/10.

Hur 2


My Learning Story

Hurumanu: 2 Humanities

Module: Power to the People

Name: Levi

Teacher: Ds

Term: 2



Give at least three examples in each of the boxes below.

What We Did: 

  •  make a party

  • learn about types of government

  • informational poster

What I Learned: 

  •  how to make a party

  •  how to write a speech

  • how to make a manifesto

My Favourite Parts:

  •  I liked learning about government

  • I liked making a party

  • I liked making a manifesto

My Next Steps:

  •  I would like to be challenged a bit more

  •  I will try harder to complete the wrong

  • I will focus on my work

CARR Values: 

Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during this Hurumanu.


I showed commitment by doing the work


I showed achievement by achieving the work that I had to do


I showed resilience by doing the right thing at the right time


I showed respect by respecting others

Feedback for my Teachers:

more fun work, physical work.

Friday 2 July 2021

summary DTE blog

So far my team and I have been creating an app to make it easier to survive in the forest and make it easier to find stuff in the forest.

My team was making an app to help people directly and help them in the native NZ bush. I have done some research on how to build shelters and traps. Rhys has been working on how to filter water and how to make bait traps. Odin has done the app development for our team and has been doing all of the codings in our team but he has also helped me and Rhys because he is the leader in our group.