
Tuesday 31 March 2020

Tangata Whenua

Last week was the day quarantine started it was the worst day ever because now I can't see my friends and I don't have help from the teachers so doing my work is much harder also because I have two sisters around me and they distract me a lot so I can't do my work but I was able to complete the Tangata Whenua worksheet that the teachers assigned me to do the Tangata Whenua worksheet is the hardest one out of them all but I liked it in a way it was fun and challenging but I was able to finish.

this book was the hardest challenge for me.

and this was my favourite because this was the easiest.

So please never make us do this again please I'm begging you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Levi! I hope you are settling in to the time away from school ok. It won't be easy but it is so important that we do it. It is really important to keep doing lots of different things so i was really pleased to see that you finished off this work and posted it! I liked that even though it was really hard you continued and were able to look back and feel good that you had done it.
    Have you got any other plans for things to do over the break? I'd love to see more of what you post. Ive started my own blog with a few things im doing so take a look at that - ive been designing a tiny house which you might enjoy doing!


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