
Friday 21 June 2019


Today I am talking about what my shoes get up to when I am not around.

Ahh, what a beautiful day it is today I wonder where I want to go today I wonder if puma is around. I'm gonna go to his hose and see if he is home today cause I want to hang with puma. Finally, I'm here at puma's house let's go see if he is home knock knock PUMA ARE YOU THERE YES OK WANNA HANG SURE I"LL BE OUT IN A JIPPEY. Yeah you are finally out you took forever bro, yeah I know I had to go on the treadmill for a run ok where do you want to go ah do you want to go to the park for a running race and to kick a ball around, sure. Ok let's go now then wanna race there sure three two one go go go Nike takes the lead haha puma I'm winning. Ok now let's kick around the ball do you wanna take shots and have a turn at being a goalkeeper because there is just the two of us. Ok, I have to go home before my owner get's home me to but it was nice to hang out with each other before the holidays come yeah it was. Keep in touch yea I will ok I will too.

Image result for nike revolution 4 blue gold

Wednesday 19 June 2019


 We were talking about mindfulness colouring we had to write down the questions that were on the tv we had to answer those questions that we wrote down on a piece of paper. we were planning why we wanted to do a colouring competition. we had to discuss with a partner what we had to do and how we are gonna doing to do it. we were discussing what we could do and how we could do it. I think we can organize it by putting up a stand somewhere that is populated with a lot of kids.

Monday 17 June 2019

No I in team

What is a good team player?
What is your role?
How could I help my team?
  1.  good team player gives the ball to people he or she will let everyone have a go he or she will help anyone that doesn't know what they're doing he or she might.
  2. I am the referee in my team I like to referee games because being a referee mean that you can learn more about how it works and how to run a game.
  3. I could help my team win a game by being there supporting them and helping to push forwards when they are in stress.
  • helping each other 
  • being nice
  • pass

Friday 14 June 2019

Individual Learning Log

Individual Learning Log

Analysis/ summary thoughts of video

Homeless, make friends, family, friends, stuff, $$,
food & house, fake stuff, meet new people.

Pollution, cut old plant new, don’t litter

You can’t be a robot and enter the Olympics because you would win all the
time and you will get all the gold and trophies.
My Brainstorm for an issue I am interested in
Social Issues

I’m interested in social because of people not interacting with others if you don’t
Interact with others it could really mess up your future because if you don’t interact you
don’t know how to talk to others when your an adult.