
Friday 22 March 2019

Tuesday Reflection

On Tuesday we did out playback where we were representing our sport that we practised. I did soccer, I love soccer it is my favourite sport ever. No other sport can top soccer it is the best. 
My group and I made a few different modifications but we could only choose two. I chose one and the boss chose another. We chose no goal keeper because it would make it harder and if you get out you have to do a dance of the other teams choice, so the other team has a quicker advantage. 
I think we really worked well at playing fair working together and helping each other. I would really like to change the boss because she is really bossy and she yells at everyone who isn't listening to her instructions. 
In the first session we all worked well and the game flew by. The second session we did it a little bit slower and the boss got really angry. 
No I don't think I'm a leader because I don't give out instructions that well.

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