
Thursday 22 March 2018

Persuasive Writing

Did you know that art is good for when you don’t have a voice but you can draw, and it will help for painting and being an artist?

Mrs McGuinniety can we please have more art on a Tuesday afternoon?
Mrs McGuinniety I would like more time for art because we
would have more visitors coming to our class.

Also I think we could decorate our class room for more pazazz
the visitors would like our school even more.

I would enjoy having fun drawing pictures of random things as
well as some awesome portrait pictures.

Also I would build confidence to show my amazing work to the school or class.

This is why I think we should have more time for art because
of these 4 reasons and because I would be more talented with my art.


Bunyip Story

This week we have been reading bunyip in the billabong and this
is my story.

Please Leave bunyip we don’t want you to be here go away we
can help you find a better billabong not our dumb stupid billabong
we can help you find a bigger, smellier, billabong.

We can find you a nice, stinky, house on a big billabong with
whatever you want.

We can find you a nice, rotten, smelly, fish and give
fifty five to you if you go away

Kick him out to live with the stinky, old, ugly, trolls.

Thursday 15 March 2018

The Moon Evolving

In literacy this week Grandpa's great escape have been doing fact's and animation's about the moon Me, Cruz and Matangi have created a slide show showing a animation and facts about the moon.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Crazy Door In The Wall

“How did I get so tall?” i’m gonna go see mum because I need shrinking potions to get smaller, slam swoosh off I go to mum’s laboratory 5 minutes later hi mum (breathing). Hey mum can I please have a shrinking potion “yes Tommy yes you can” thanks mum bye mum bye Tommy. Going home going home oooooowwwwww shortcut let’s take it ow shortcuts are really short.  Wow this little door in the hallway is small ow I got a shrinking potion I should see how small I can get. This will be fun ug ug ug ug ug wow I can fit through the door first lets see if it opens. Yasssssss it opened ow a base but where is the base lets see. I can see red wow it’s a volcano base I never knew this was here let’s search who’s it is this wow it’s some random guy’s wait that’s my dad da da daaaaa! Dad dad what are you doing sorry Tommy you can’t see this dad noooooooooooo. Huh feuph it was only just a dream.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Bubble Teleporter

One sunny Deadly day some people were in winter clothes so they don’t get hurt and cold. They wanted to make a big bubble maker it was on a saturday it would be that strong that it cold hold up to 2 people. On saturday afternoon they were riding on bubbles when suddenly poof they teleported but were? In the morning on sunday the woke up in halo 4.

Next they went around the game and found a portal they said “why is this here?” “should we go inside I think we should” when they got teleported they got teleported to a place with lots of aliens they were so scared if they died than there died forever so they found a big fat boat truck on it they found armour, weapons, grenades, cars and jetpacks so they got ready to go and fight they got out and died.

Save Maui Dolphins

this week we have been learning about Maui dolphins and how there are only 55 left in the wild. My poster is about the dangers of Maui Dolphins. they live in the west coast and gold coast.