
Monday 31 May 2021

Cup challenge

The IP skill that I used today was good warm fuzzies. using the Ip skill helped me to understand my teammates. An example of when we worked well together was when we 

In Health, we have been working on our interpersonal skills by building a rubber band cup mover and working together to move 5 cups from an area to another 1 by 1.

First, we tied some string to the rubber band. Each team member holds a string and pulls when needed. Here are some photos from the activity.

We were at a disadvantage because we only had three members. We ended up coming second with 4/5 cups in 23 seconds.
The interpersonal skills we used were verbal communication, non-verbal communication, active listening and negotiation.

Friday 21 May 2021

Dirty water

Hi everyone today I am sharing the experiment that we have done in science. Hope you enjoy.

To make dirty water and change it back to clean water.

Today in science we were doing the dirty water experiment the point was to dilute the dirty water that we had in the beaker. Today we diluted the dirty water and made a filtering system to fully clean the dirty water. 

Before we diluted the water it was looking really dark and murky it was really hard to see through to the other side of the glass and it looked like some grabbed a pile of dirt and a spoon full of water. It did not look well. When we diluted the water we had to do it two times and it was fun the first time we did it, it looked like nothing had been done to it but the second time we did it there was a big change in colour.

We made the filtering system with a base retort stand two funnels filtering paper and filtering cloth. It was really fun and easy to make I had a lot of fun making it with my friend Odin and I wish to do this experiment again another time. 

To make the water we had to go outside and get 2 spoonfuls of dirt one spoonful of pebbles and 100mLs of oil and then after all of that we added 100mLs of water and then we stirred until finally we had the outcome of the project and it came to be dirty water.

We diluted the water by tipping out 100mLs of the dirty water then adding clean water and then finally after doing the process a second time to dilute the water we got most the dirt out of the beaker and having the dirty water diluted.

To  filter the water we used filter paper and filter cloth and we pored the dirty water into the funnels and made them go through twice so they would go back to being clear water. And it was really cool doing the experiment.

So first we put all the solute in the beaker then we added the solvent into the beaker then we had the solution after that we diluted the water the we filtered it then we got the filtrate and after all of that we got the final solution.

Yes our experiment did work and honestly it is pretty surprising to me that it did and I am very proud of our experiment. Yes I would try my best next time and I would try harder by making it more complicated for me and hopefully after that we would at least have fun with a challenge.

Monday 17 May 2021


Drawing in pairs

Today in health we used our interpersonal skills to draw pictures just by describing what they looked like this is what I drew and the other picture is what I was trying to draw.


Friday 7 May 2021

Game blog post

Hello, my name is Levi. in year 9 DTE we have been learning how to create a game. Mr Carter is our teacher and he is the best, he has helped us with what to do and how to make it. It has been really fun having Mr Carter as our teacher he is really nice. Over the last six weeks, we have been looking at and learning how to create a game, It was really fun making a game but I didn't quite get to finish it because it kept deleting so I had to keep restarting. Maybe next time I could try to publish my game before I log off so it saves.

I enjoyed doing the work and working with my friends. I also liked learning how to make a game it thought me a lot about how to make a game and an app.

Thursday 6 May 2021

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was the former president of South Africa. He was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader and philanthropist who served as president of South Africa. He was born on the 18th of July 1918 and he died on the 5th of December 2013.

Nelson Mandela - Quotes, Spouse & Death - Biography

Wednesday 5 May 2021

bus stop

Richie Mccaw

Richie Mccaw was born on 31 December 1980. and he hasn't died yet. He has won the World Rugby player of the year award a joint record three times and was the most capped test rugby player of all time from August 2015 to October 2020. McCaw was the first All Black to reach 100 caps, and the first rugby union player to win 100 tests. In New Zealand's match against France in the 2011 Rugby Union World Cup, he became the first All Black to play in 100 Tests. McCaw was named captain of the All Blacks against Wales in 2004 and was given the post on a permanent basis in 2006, eventually leading the team in a record 110 Tests.