
Friday 19 March 2021


In wananga, we are learning about cultures. At the moment we are learning about Kiwiana here is my activity.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Kaiapohia Pa

In hurumanu 2 we are doing social studies and for social studies, we are learning about pa and what time was like a while ago. It has been really fun learning this subject because we were able to learn about chaos now and chaos back then. It has really been fun because we were able to learn and make a pa. A pa island that your house is built on.

My friend and I worked on a subject that Mrs gave us and it was super easy to do we completed it very quickly and I hope you enjoy it.

Friday 5 March 2021


Athletics that I have learnt this term was shot put, high jump, long jump, discus, and sprints.

I think the best way to get everything done is to try your best. Just go until you can't keep trying even if you think you can't do it you don't know until you've tried.

In P.E I jumped 90cm in high jump. I also threw 10.75m in the discus and I threw 4.5m in the shot put.

Yes, I did bring my P.E gear to every lesson and on athletics day.

Yes, I loved participating in P.E that we were doing.

📸 Through The Lens | High Jumping – Kansas Jayhawks

Wednesday 3 March 2021


 In HEC we have been learning about bacteria and where they can be and be found. 

Bacteria can be caused by not washed food bad surfaces and many more.

bacteria needs oxegyiene moisture warm temp and food to be able to survive.

How bacteria adapt to hostile environments - USC NewsBacteria