
Monday 23 November 2020

Gymnastics term 4

In gymnastics we have been using the apparatus to practice on our gym moves we have been learning new things and practising our best. we have used the trampoline beam parallel bars ba floor mat and the mini-trampoline my favourite one is the beam because you can do lots of tricks on it while trying to keep your balance.

On the trampoline, you can do lots of tricks you can do flips you can just jump you can jump on your bottom and you can do combos.

On the beam you can jump up straight and keep your balance you can also leap across and you can do cartwheels and handstands as well.

On the parallel bars you can walk on your hands forwards and backwards and you can lift your legs up straight and you can lift up your knees.

On the bars, you can pull yourself up and do flips forward and backwards and you could also do pullups or chinups.

On the floor map you can cartwheel rolliepollie handstand and headstand.

On the mini-tramp you can do sommer saults flips just jump and side flips.

I have learnt how to keep my balance and to cartwheel.

Thursday 12 November 2020


I don't know what it is like to be a bully. but it must be horrible knowing that you've done horrible things to innocent people. 
For people, it makes them happy to bully people punching them kicking them grinding them and making there lives miserable.

Friday 11 September 2020

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Tongan language week


This week we have been learning about Tonga because it is Tongan language week. I have created a slideshow to show the things that I have learnt. Please enjoy and leave a comment down below

Thursday 3 September 2020

People affect by Chch earhquakes

Hello, welcome to my blog.

In 2010 there was a huge earthquake that happened in Christchurch it was because of the tectonic plates that are under the city. Tectonic plates are the things that cause earthquakes if it moves side to side it will create earthquakes that aren't that bad but if they move up and down the earthquakes can get really bad. But what got Christchurch through was all the wonderful people who helped out we had so many helpers. The people that helped tidy up were Taiwanese rescuers, students, navy, NZ military, and the Japanese search and rescue we had so many people helping out the community. 


Who were the people affected by the Chch earthquakes?

  • Family who died

  • People with homes destroyed - liquefaction

  • Crumbled

  • Foundations ruined

  • The tectonic plate shifting and spreading a whole in the farmlands

  • People who had to move away from their homes

  • And many more

September 2010 Canterbury (Darfield) earthquake - September 2010 Canterbury  (Darfield) earthquake | NZHistory, New Zealand history onlineChristchurch earthquakes of 2010–11 | New Zealand | BritannicaChristchurch - 1 year after the devastating quakeEarthquake rattles New Zealand city of Christchurch -

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Pasta rover challenge


In Hurumanu 3 science we tried making a Mars Rover using pasta and Round mints. So what we had to do first was to plan what the mars rover would look like before we actually make it we draw it on a piece of paper and draw some ideas for the rover. After a few minutes, we started making the rover then we put the parts together with my group. We used glues to put the parts together and stick it the challenge to us was to make the wheels move it took us a lot of time to think of how the wheels are going to move. The last part that we had done was do the challenge was trying the car and putting it on the 1m down the ramp it didn't work quite right because the wheels broke here are some of the photos that were taken during the making of the rover.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Navigating using pin and magnet

Hello, everyone, I hope you enjoy my blog post

AIM Today in science we were learning how to navigate using pins and magnets.

For this experiment you need:
  • Magnet
  • Pin
  • Small leaf
  • Ice cream bucket
  • And 2cm high water 
These are the steps that you need to do this experiment:
  1. First, you need to grab your materials
  2. You need to fill your bucket up with water only 2cm though
  3. Then you need to put your small leaf in your bucket so it floats
  4. You stroke your pin on your magnet only one way for three mins
  5. After the three mins, you put your pin on top of your leaf
Then wait for your pin and leaf to face north.
It is a really fun experiment I Recommend trying it.


 The first compass that was ever made was in 1040 to 1044 it was made out of an ore of iron called a lodestone. It was made by William Thomson 1st Baron Kelvin in the ancient Han Dynasty. The directions that were on the compass were north east south and west we could tell where east and west were because the sun rose in the east and sets in the west. 

Deviation. When the bar magnet or magnetic compass is acted upon by a magnetic field other than the earth's, the magnet deviates. Most metal objects or electrical fields produce a magnetic field that will cause the compass to read incorrectly. This effect is known as a deviation.

Rocks are supposed to be kept away from compasses because they are magnetic.

The three jobs that still use compasses is military mining and piolet. You need a compass for these to be able to find your way around the place.

The three sports that need a compass is Hunting Orienteering and sailing. sailing you need a compass to navigate what direction you are going. Hunting you need a compass to find where your hunting trap is and orienteering for reasons.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Hurumanu 1

 In hurumanu 1 we have been learning about schools in ww1. In schools they taught skills strategy and combat. I have always wanted to know what it would be like if i was a student a school in world war 1. When I was younger I always thought that if I was in the war back in 1914 what would I do.