
Friday 22 March 2019

Tuesday Reflection

On Tuesday we did out playback where we were representing our sport that we practised. I did soccer, I love soccer it is my favourite sport ever. No other sport can top soccer it is the best. 
My group and I made a few different modifications but we could only choose two. I chose one and the boss chose another. We chose no goal keeper because it would make it harder and if you get out you have to do a dance of the other teams choice, so the other team has a quicker advantage. 
I think we really worked well at playing fair working together and helping each other. I would really like to change the boss because she is really bossy and she yells at everyone who isn't listening to her instructions. 
In the first session we all worked well and the game flew by. The second session we did it a little bit slower and the boss got really angry. 
No I don't think I'm a leader because I don't give out instructions that well.

Thursday 21 March 2019


WALT: Create a 1 minute movie with effective music.

Today my group and I did a slideshow about football we really did well at searching for information. We searched up the best players of football. We could improve the song a little bit. We chose the music cause it s calm and refreshing. 

Friday 15 March 2019

Play Back Module

what we did on Tuesday: we played multi ball and different sport

what we did well: we played multi ball well. 

what did I enjoy: I enjoyed multi ball 

what was the best thing: I liked different sport

what activity's did we do:we played multi ball and different sport

Thursday 14 March 2019

Movie camera angles

W.A.L.T I can explain a variety of camera angles used to make a movie.

Angles, zoom out, close up, long shot, extreme close up. In a film there are many different types of angles.

Zoom out - when the camera zooms out slowly on an object or scene.

Image result for zoom out shot
Close up - A close up shot is a shot where you get really close up to your face.

Long shot - A long shot is where you get a really far shot of the person.
Image result for long shot

Extreme Close up - A extreme close up is where you get really close.
 Image result for extreme close up shot
Zoom in - A zoom in is where you zoom in very slowly

Image result for zoom in

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Trash Art

The project we're doing is making trash art. We clean up any trash and then make something we want out of it. I want to really make a dog.  The reason we're doing it is because we can clean up the school. I think that we are going to pick up a lot of rubbish because this community makes a lot of trash. The most popular colour of rubbish might be clear because there is a lot of plastic bottles and bags.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Hornby Community

Hornby Community

Explain what community you have joined...
I have joined the Hornby Community.

Explain why this group is your passion...
So I could help clean up the environment.
Explain one idea your interested in...
I would like to clean up some rubbish around the community.

How do you think you will achieve this idea...
I could go around with some friends or family to clean up
some places because we can bring some trash bags to make
less pollution.