
Thursday 25 October 2018


In art we have been doing some illuminated letters we have tried our first initial in art.


In life ed we are learning about relationships and being with other people. we have done activities in the life education in the bus.  we had a video about aliens being the same and why it is good to be different. we have done a personality test I found out that I was a lion personality wise. we played a game I don´t know what it is called but it was a clapping game were you couldn´t clap on zero. we learnt the difference between a boss and a leader. we had to match up the sentence of a leader to the opposite of a boss. now I know why I don´t want to be the same. 

Thursday 18 October 2018

Would you Rather

Would you Rather

Be able to fly or Be able to turn invisible 

I would rather be able to fly because I would have a spectacular view on the city or town. I would also like to fly because you would be able to get places a lot quicker than other people. But the reason why I wouldn't like to be able to fly is because you could lose oxygen to breath in and out. you could also fly into something like a bird or a plane 

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Narratives, Characters, Questions

Narratives, Characters, Questions

WALT: We are learning to ask questions before, during and after reading to engage with the text and make inferences.

What do you know about Narratives, Characters, and Questions.


 I don't know that much but my prior knowledge reminds me about what these are. Narratives are a story the you need to create with a orientation, sequence of event, problem, personal comment, and a hook. 


A character is a person who has a role in the story that might be different than everyone else they would have a name and they would have a part in the role.


A question is where someone asks you something about another thing and you could find an answer to it or there might not be a answer some questions are trick questions.