
Friday 15 December 2017

Gingerbread Man Story

Gingerbread Man Story

One dark stormy night after christmas, oh no the gingerbread man travelled back in time what do we do. Sweet a huge christmas party better get ready fast don’t wanna be late, I can’t find my tie (worrying). That is ok I will take my other tie even though I don’t like it quick jacket on car keys check, everything shut check, Windows shut check. Off to the party I go let’s go quick quick quick run! run! run! off I go. Oooh I can’t wait to get to the party I wonder what there doing at the party what if there playing poker or the casino game or playing with lie detectors. I really want to see them playing poker it would be so fun watching them play, it would look awesome and funny. After the party gingerbread man goes home but does he… oh no the time breaf  opened and gingerbread man just ran into it what do we do. We just heard that gingerbread man is going to stay there for ever.



  1. Hi there Levi

    My name is Jade F and I will be working with your school cluster in the Summer Learning Journey Programme this summer break.

    I really enjoyed reading your writing about the gingerbread man; the way your wrote your story had me feeling like I could read the gingerbread man’s thoughts about how he was in a rush to get to the party. When you wrote about how he was frantically making sure that he had locked up everything before he left like the windows and doors I found that quite funny because that is something I always do before I leave my house too.

    I hope you come in and join the blogging programme this summer. There’s heaps of fun activities to do and many things to blog about, I reckon you’d love it. All you have to do is head onto the activities page and begin the activities. If you would like to have a look at your mates blog posts or other student’s blogs who are in the Summer Learning Journey with you check out the programme’s twitter feed here

    You can start in any order you’d like with the activities and once you have completed a task, post it onto your blog! The more activities you do, the more points you earn towards winning prizes at the end of programme!

    Use the link below to get started and I hope to see your blog posts this summer!

    Jade F :)

  2. Hello my bro i love your writing you do more work than i have ever done good work g


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