
Friday 15 December 2017

Gingerbread Man Story

Gingerbread Man Story

One dark stormy night after christmas, oh no the gingerbread man travelled back in time what do we do. Sweet a huge christmas party better get ready fast don’t wanna be late, I can’t find my tie (worrying). That is ok I will take my other tie even though I don’t like it quick jacket on car keys check, everything shut check, Windows shut check. Off to the party I go let’s go quick quick quick run! run! run! off I go. Oooh I can’t wait to get to the party I wonder what there doing at the party what if there playing poker or the casino game or playing with lie detectors. I really want to see them playing poker it would be so fun watching them play, it would look awesome and funny. After the party gingerbread man goes home but does he… oh no the time breaf  opened and gingerbread man just ran into it what do we do. We just heard that gingerbread man is going to stay there for ever.


Thursday 14 December 2017

Tangram Reindeer

Tangram Reindeer

Today we got to make a reindeer out of paper

Cut out the tangram below and try to make the reindeer can you make any other animals out of triangles and sqaures.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Christmas Around The World

Christmas Around The World

Can you tell me about some other Christmas traditions

I had no idea that France put's there shoe's in front of the fire for there presents to be put in it was a weird fact but it was really cool to know.

Christmas Food Around The World
today I learnt that France eat Coquilles Saint-Jacques

Coquilles Saint-Jacques (France)

Chiles en nogada (Mexico)

Feast of Seven Fishes (Italy)

Hallacas (Venezuela)

Zakuski (Russia)

Ceia de Natal (Brazil)

Sachertorte (Austria)

Doro Wat on Injera (Ethiopia)

Tuesday 5 December 2017



Everyone went to help
Light went off
To noisey
Helped out the boat

"nooooooooo! the light went out and a ship is coming over."
"what do i do?"

Once in a village there was an old man  and he worked for the lighthouse guardians. And there was too much noise so he shut the window to block out all the noise happening around him. Then  after that the light went kaboom so he went to go check what happened so he would know if it blew or if it went kaboom. When he saw what happened to the Light he saw that there was bag vote heading towards the rocks so he could be grabbed the light and tripped over  the small  tool box  so he dropped itAnd for the glass dropped onto the ground and he was so gutted that he did  so he  we out to go Hit the Lights from the city so he ran all the way down stairs so he could get some help full stop but when he opened the door all of the people were right at the door he was so glad to see everyone there to help him guide the boat. Once everyone was up there to help  the boat keep track of where the rock’s are.

Friday 1 December 2017

The Pigeon Needs A Bath

The Pigeon Needs A Bath

The pigeon should have a bath because if he does not he would lose all his friends.

The pigeon should have a bath because if he does not all his friends will betray him and he will  be afraid from everyone because he got bullied.

Overall he had a bath for attracting flies.