
Friday 24 November 2017



This is the maths work we have been doing this week.
We are learning to add lists of numbers. It is based on fireworks and there prices  For our last activity it was different to the other questions for it  we had to create a display of fireworks as our last activity. We could use our book or Chromebook I did it in my book first then put it on my slide.
WE had to have a sentence for the answer, our working out and make it look nice.


Alarm Call

Alarm Call
Sneaking through the house tip toeing making sure the kitten does not know that I am here.

One knee goes up and down quietly through the house it is as hard as making a house because I have to keep balance as well.As the big, ugly, green, Goblin was walking he found the cute, cuddly, defenseless kitten.

Ccccccccccccccrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Oh no have I woken up the kitten I hope not few it is still asleep, “what do I do to this cute kitten.”

“hehehe he does not know that i’m awake he will never find out until he see’s that i’m awake.”  Walking through the long house POOF! POOF! POOF! “whoa what was that left, right, duck!”

“Flying books or were they thrown” lets go check KARATE “please don't hurt me I will do anything, i said anything” should I hurt you? “i included a dangerous deadly death trap” “goodbye” “noooooo”