
Friday 25 August 2017


WALT  To complete a logo representing you please help me change my logo to make my logo better

Monday 21 August 2017

Can You Help Me?

For digi awards this year I worked with Nathan and we made an animation. This year we had to show manaakitanga in our digi awards animation. Nathan did the editing and created and then at the end we both went back over it and changed it so it would better then before. We made this entry to show some people live better lives then others and life can be hard.

Thursday 17 August 2017

We are learning to identify a quality blog post.

Make Their Day

WALT  to make a promise with a payment of ice blocks

BLURB At school we made a promise to do something every day I promised to play with someone

Friday 11 August 2017

Weather art

We have been learning about weather. First we did the background then we did our silhoutte

D.L.O MATHS Place Value

D.L.O MATHS Place Value

WALT I am learning to solve addition and subtraction problems by using tidy numbers

Success Criteria I will solve addition problems using rounding and compensating with tidy numbers

Create- a DLO showing your learning. use screen castify or Explain Everything   

Coconut Raisin Bliss Balls

Coconut raisin bliss balls

WALT What is a coconut raisin bliss balls? WOW!!! This is so fantastic. 

On Tuesday room 6, 7 and 8 did some baking. What we made was Coconut Raisin Bliss Balls. first we washed our hand for no germ's, and then gathered around the big blue table. When we gathered around the big blue table we saw one big baking machine. Once we all were around the table we started to make the coconut raisin bliss balls. For the baking we have been using the food processor, we had to hold the button down for one minute, for that minute we all blocked our ears because it was so loud. The ingredients we used coconut oil, raisins, cocoa and coconut. For the equipment  we used was a food processor and measuring cups. We all got to feel, smell, look and taste it. Some people liked it and some didn't.  And if people didn't like it the teacher allowed them  to go and give it to someone else that wanted more. After that we got to eat it yummy.