
Monday 6 December 2021


 In wananga, our teacher told us to do some coloring-in and this is the work that I did I hope you enjoy my picture.


In wananga, our teacher told us to do some colouring-in and this is the work that I did I hope you enjoy my picture.

Thursday 2 December 2021

Buisness kete

Business and Enterprise Kete was a big project for the years 7-9 to sell and create products of our choice.
Our group name was 4 Little pigs, and we made mystery boxes full of little treats

What were your learnings?
Some of my learning figuring out how much stuff we needed to get and how pre-order works

How Important were your decisions?
My decisions were pretty important because I was the CEO of our group and I had to make the final decision to tell the teacher what was happening and how we are going to do things.

Do you think you were successful?
I think we were successful because we sold out and everything was gone pretty quick. On top of that we made a profit of at least $40.

Do you believe you upheld the CARR values our our school?
I think I upheld the CARR values because our group rotated who got to stay at the table and who got to look around fairly, and when I looked around with my friends. I also upheld the Carr Values well because I was being sensible and I was usually either looking at the other businesses, helping the group or just sitting down with my friends.

Friday 19 November 2021


 This week in P.E we have been playing some really fun games. The first thing we do in P.E is we run three laps around the gym then we start our first game. our first game is usually kick long ball. our second game usually changes often depending on the teacher teaching us but the main second game is really fun and I think a lot of people like it.


This week in Minecraft my class and I have been making ancient objects. I made a trident and a temple. I had to change my 2d trident to a 3D trident and it was very simple.How to fly with a trident in Minecraft

Desert Pyramid | Minecraft Wiki | Fandom

Math art

Today first period I was making origami in maths art. It was quite easy at the start and then towards the end of the origami making it got difficult Hexahexaflexagon to be demystified by crafty mathematicians - Times Age

This is what we tried making. some of them were hard like the big one but the rest were quite simple

Thursday 4 November 2021


Today in P.E we did a worksheet about the things that we were able to do in gymnastics it was kind of easy but some of the things on the list were hard so I couldn't do all of them.

Gymnastics Peer Assessment

Rater’s Name: Class: Date:

SKILLS (Tick the skills which you can now safely perform)


  • Lower arm walk

  • Swing

  • Back Dismount

  • Forward Dismount

  • Forward roll


  • Straight Jump

  • Jump Full turn

  • Tuck Jump

  • Dive Roll

  • Somersault to land on feet


  • Forward roll

  • Backward roll

  • Headstand

  • Handstand

  • Cartwheel

  • Bridge


  • Side Mount

  • Jump over Cone 

  • Forward roll

  • Straddle Dismount


  • Toe Shoot

  • B/wd Hip Circle

  • B/wd Hip Circle Mount


  •  Controlled bounce

  •  Straddle jump

  •  Full Turn

  •  Seat Drop

  •  Front drop


truMp = Managing Self

  • I have a can-do attitude

Never I Always

  • I have my PE Uniform

Never I Always

  • I give up trying

Never I Always

  • I disrupt others

Never I Always
