
Friday 26 February 2021


Hi, my name is Levi and My favourite subject is D.T.E I also like gaming basketball volleyball golf and football I like a lot of things that would take me forever just to write down. In D.T.E we have been learning about the cool things that we are going to be able to do. We have been playing fun games as well like For example, we are going to make the game. My favourite thing that we have done so far was definitely practising my typing on nitro type.

Thursday 25 February 2021

Arthritis Research blog

Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain and stiffness that can worsen with age.
Arthritis is also called joint inflammation.

The symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and tenderness and stiffness which causes arthritis. This is also what causes it.

painkillers help reduce the pain of arthritis but that is all you can do to help stop the pain from really hurting.

cracking your fingers is okay to do because it doesn't cause arthritis in your fingers. But it can be really loud and annoying to other people around you.
Hands – Arthritis - Auckland OrthopaedicsAuckland OrthopaedicsArthritis of the Knee - OrthoInfo - AAOSRheumatoid arthritis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Word cloud

Food safety and Hygiene words that I came up with 


Last week we made scones.


3 c Plain Flour
6 t Baking Powder (level)
¼ t Salt
75g  Cold Butter
1 to 1 ½ c Milk
2 T Sugar (optional)
  1. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl

  2. Cut butter into small cubes. Rub the butter into the flour, baking powder, salt gently with fingertips until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add sugar (optional)

  3. Add milk gradually. Mix quickly with a knife to form a soft dough (the amount of milk required depends on a number of factors)

  4. Lightly knead the scone dough a few times on a lightly floured tabletop

  5. Pat dough out into a rectangular shape (about 2cm - 2.5 cm thick)

  6. Cut scone dough into 8 - 10 even-sized pieces 

  7. Place scones onto the oven tray lined with baking paper. Keep them quite close together towards the centre of the tray

  8. Brush with milk

  9. Bake at 200°C  Bake for  about 8 - 10 minutes until lightly golden and cooked ( you can use Fanbake function)

Scones Recipe | Allrecipes
I like scones because they are tasty and soft. But our scones weren't yum they tasted really bad. They were a colour of light brown and white and they didn't look the greatest. I think you should try to make some scones and see if yours are better than ours.

Rules for zombie apocalypse

In hur2 we have been learning about the rules to survive a zombie apocalypse. the rules that we are looking at are from the movie zombieland. I made a list of 5 things that are very important to survive a zombie apocalypse.

These I the five rules that I think is needed. The most important is to get a kickass buddy.

Friday 19 February 2021

Introduction to digital tech

So far in Digi tech, we have been doing some coding and it has been really fun. we have been learning about some relevant implications in DTE.

Reflection Post

 The most interesting thing I learnt last week was how to throw a discus.

The best thing about discus is that you can throw the discus as hard as you can and trying to see how far you can get it. Discus is fun because you can put a spin in your throw or you could get a really big or a small run-up as well.

My favourite thing about discus is being able to get it really far and having fun while doing it. The one thing I don't like about discus is that it is tough and big it takes a lot of strength just to get the discus far but it is still fun because you can chuck the discus high or low long or short. I like discuss because it's really fun and I don't like shotput at all.

Thank you for listening.
Image result for discus

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Savoury Bread cases - Home Economics

Hi my name is Levi and last week my class and I made a savoury bread cases and it was really yummy.

The ingredients you need for the savoury bread cases are:

Tinned spaghetti 
Sliced bread
Grated cheese

those are all the ingredients you need to make the savoury bread cases

My team worked really well with telling each other what to do and telling each other the roles that we had to do.  The savoury cases they looked like they were a light brown colour but a little bit white as well. they smelt really nice because you could smell the spaghetti and the cheese you couldn't really smell the pineapple because I was under all the cheese and the cheese was masking the smell of the pineapple. the texture of the savoury cases was hard but crunchy. In some areas of the savoury case, it was really nice and crunchy in some places but in the other places, it was quite hard to bite. I think I can do better if my team was a bit quicker but we weren't the lucky last to finish. 

I defiantly think that you should try this out thank you for listening.