
Monday 23 November 2020

Gymnastics term 4

In gymnastics we have been using the apparatus to practice on our gym moves we have been learning new things and practising our best. we have used the trampoline beam parallel bars ba floor mat and the mini-trampoline my favourite one is the beam because you can do lots of tricks on it while trying to keep your balance.

On the trampoline, you can do lots of tricks you can do flips you can just jump you can jump on your bottom and you can do combos.

On the beam you can jump up straight and keep your balance you can also leap across and you can do cartwheels and handstands as well.

On the parallel bars you can walk on your hands forwards and backwards and you can lift your legs up straight and you can lift up your knees.

On the bars, you can pull yourself up and do flips forward and backwards and you could also do pullups or chinups.

On the floor map you can cartwheel rolliepollie handstand and headstand.

On the mini-tramp you can do sommer saults flips just jump and side flips.

I have learnt how to keep my balance and to cartwheel.

Thursday 12 November 2020


I don't know what it is like to be a bully. but it must be horrible knowing that you've done horrible things to innocent people. 
For people, it makes them happy to bully people punching them kicking them grinding them and making there lives miserable.