
Friday 28 February 2020

Stem and leaf graph

Ok so I have put together a screen castify for you to watch and it is to help you or teach you how to do a stem and leaf graph. a stem and leaf graph is complicated but it is not when you get to know more about it. please do not judge me I do not know how to do it properly but hey at least I was able to show someone how to do it.

Te tiriti o waitangi

in Hurumanu 1 we have been learning all about the ancient history of New Zealand. I have been working on a task that has a lot of different activities. the task is called te Tiriti o Waitangi in this task we learn all about Waitangi day, the origins of Waitangi day, how Waitangi day started, and the treaty of Waitangi day. I always thought that Waitangi day was just a day off school but its more than that it is the national day of New Zealand and it is a day to have fun to play games hang out with friends and family. it is a day for no one to have any worries. the treaty of Waitangi day was signed in the bay of islands and the treaty was signed in 1840. Treaty of WaitangiTreaty to establish a British Governor of New Zealand, consider Māori ownership of their lands and other properties and give Māori the rights of British subjects. ... Once it had been written and translated, it was first signed by Northern Māori leaders at Waitangi.

Wednesday 26 February 2020


Today we are learning about positive behaviour for learning. We were asked to write an A-Z of polite words and language to use to help us with independently at Hornby high school in our wānanga class. This is my A-Z of polite words this is what we were working on.Achievement           BehaviourCaringDrivenEffortFocusedGracefullHopefulIntelligentJoyfulKindnessLovelyMindfulnessNiceOrganisedPatientQuietReliableSuccessfulTrustingUniqueValiantWonderfulXfactorYouthfulZappy

Thursday 20 February 2020

How to make a paper hat Challenge yourself

  1. Grab an a4 piece of paper 
  2. Then find somewhere solid to work on
  3. Fold your a4 piece of paper horizontally in half
  4. Using the same piece of paper fold your piece of paper in a half in a portrait but the same direction
  5. Then after you’ve done that you need to fold the corners into the middle but do not fold the corners with the open side
  6. Then fold the remaining piece of the bottom of the paper and fold it upwards
  7. There you go now you have a pirate hat 
  8. Aghhhhhh me mate how are you welcome on board the cragenstine.

Friday 14 February 2020

Hurumanu 6 - Math

For the last week in hurumanu 6 we have been working on two things we have been working on math and we have also been talking about health. For health we have been talking about positive and negative relationships. I am going to talk about what we did in math because for math we were talking all about graphs and charts. the first math chart we did was the tally chart for the tally chart we had to get in pairs because Mr Mitchell said that we are going to record the colour of the cars on carmen road. when we got near the road we had to wait for everyone to get there before we could start but when the whole entire class got there we still had to wait for the next set of cars hadn't arrived there yet. I don't really want to talk about the other two graphs because I could be talking for a while.
Image result for bar graphImage result for tally graph