
Friday 30 November 2018

Week One In The Beginning (1800-1870)

Day 1 Arriving in New Zealand

Activity 1 The First Settlers

Maui was a little kid when he wanted to do fishing but his brothers would always made up excuses so he couldn´t go fishing. But he was so angry they were never nice to Maui so one night Maui made his own hook and snuck into his brothers canoe. He cut the line and drifted to sea he pulled out his hook from his bag and his brothers laughed.  and he pulled out a giant fish and everyone called him the best fisherman

Friday 23 November 2018

Summer Learning Journey 2018-2019

In the holiday´s I am going to start a thing called summer learning journey. The Summer Learning Journey is a app that over the holidays you could be doing reading activities that will either keep your status were it is or go up. The summer learning journey will help you a lot if your going from year 6-7 it will help you get smarter. During the summer learning journey you have 2 tasks to complete and one bonus that can get you 10 points you can do anyone you want. you have 4 weeks and you can do 3 activities each day if you want you don´t have to complete all of them so you don´t have to rush. 

If I ever win I would like to have a where house gift card and chocolate.
 Image result for warehouse gift cardImage result for chocolate

Thursday 22 November 2018

Pyramid Of Giza

In literacy we have been doing some information reports about the Pyramids Of Giza. For literacy we have been creating facts about the pyramids of Giza and some extreme weather.

How To Sneeze Correctly

Today in health I have been doing a animation about How To Sneeze Correctly. The challenging part was creating the sneeze balls. do you know sneeze balls can go 200 ft.

Keeping Your Hands Clean

In health we have been doing personal hygiene which is keeping your body clean. i found challenging making the hands.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Phonics Word Search

In phonics we have been doing a word search about ion, ition, and cation. The most challenging part was finding the words. The easy part was that I had a little help with the words. it sort of felt like finding Nemo or finding Dory.