
Friday 28 September 2018

how to make a quality blog comment

 over the last couple of weeks we have been creating a slideshow to teach others how to write a quality blog comment. a quality blog comment must have a positive thoughtful and a helpful comment. I found  challenging making the people.

True or False

For maths we have been doing a true or false kind of activity.  we have done some answers.

Tuesday 25 September 2018


This term for the last couple of weeks in science we have been learning about change. We mixed some products to get a reaction. We mixed vinegar and baking soda together to make a big booooooom! And that was our reactant. We made a new product with bubbles.


Friday 14 September 2018

Calendar Art

For calendar art this week we have learnt to blend colors with paint making symmetrical shapes into a pattern.  I really enjoyed painting but I found it difficult to get crisp lines. first we sketch an outline then we started at the top + worked down.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Maori Weather Sentences

Maori Weather Sentences

On Inquiry we have been learning about Maori Weather Sentences and we need to think of a Maori Weather Word and we need to make a sentence that's asking "How's the Weather?" in Maori and English and we need to make an answer for the question in Maori and English too and this is what I made.