
Friday 31 August 2018

Playground mode

for the last couple of weeks I have been doing a maths activity called cantamaths there are four activity's I will tell you them one was building a playground with 4 polygons ,one was making a bridge with 100 popsical sticks, one was collecting data about baby's

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Best Poems

Today I have picked out some of the best poems I have in my anthology these ones will blow your mind comment down on the one that you like

Monday 20 August 2018


The last couple of weeks I have been writing some prefixes it will be said in the slideshow please tell me if you know some other prefixes

Friday 17 August 2018

Levi´s Anthology

For the last few days Mr Breach´s literacy have been doing some poems.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Elephants tooth paste

In science we are learning about change. Change happens when you mix two reactant. When you mix two reactant a chemical reaction happened and after that it is a product. and a new thing is made when you mix that together. 

Tuesday 14 August 2018

favorite birthday cake flavour

today in statistics we have been doing a tale chart and a bargragh if you have any experiences with bargraghs please give me a comment if you can tell me more about bargragh. me and my group Noah Jacob Layla Logan we created our own bargragh about favorite birthday cake flavor. comment down below what your favorite flavor cake is.