
Tuesday 29 May 2018

Paper Aeroplanes - Measurement

In maths I have been learning about Measurement. I have been learning how to estimate and Measure. I made a paper plane. My teacher marked out a runway with a measuring tape. First I had to estimate how far my plane would go. I would estimate the length, it actually flew it. My second throw I estimated 3m, it actually flew 5.6m. I found hard making the planes I enjoyed throwing my fast plane.     

Thursday 17 May 2018


This term in stem we have been learning about helping birds by making bird feeders. I have succeeded by completing the bird feeder. we took steps from witch part to each. The challenging thing was cutting.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

All about me

Today we are doing measuring I was working with Logan we have measured our body parts.

Friday 11 May 2018

Main freight Maths

On Monday we went to go check out Nici's dad's truck we all went to check out the truck for maths work.

Tuesday 8 May 2018


In maths we made a kahoot about stranded unit. Frist we got put into 3 groups and got given a task group 3s task was to make a kahoot. Here is my kahoot quiz kahoot

Friday 4 May 2018

Using Our People Powers - Make Their Day

Today we talked about how we can make people's days.During this week I will make people's days by...

  • Saying nice words like how are you today.
  • In clued people in your games when they are feeling sad.
  • Give someone a compliment 

I will catch up with you next week to let you know how I got on.

I made Caleb's day by including him in our game of tag.

It felt really good of me letting Caleb join a game of tag.